Electronic Press Kit


Prem Musik’s style is a blend of reggae, acoustic rock, and devotional songs with strong spiritual and self empowerment messages throughout his lyrics. His work often explores themes of love, faith, and connection to the divine, drawing heavily on his travels and influences from Eastern mysticism and his practice of yoga and meditation for the past 20+ years. Prem’s music is known for its soulful melodies, acoustic richness, and the incorporation of Sanskrit chants and mantras, creating a unique sound that resonates with listeners seeking depth and spiritual upliftment in music. Like Trevor Hall and Xavier Rudd, Prem uses his music to convey messages of healing, forgiveness, and unity, making him a upcoming figure in the genre of spiritually-conscious music.

Prem's electrifying performances have enchanted audiences from landmark venues such as The Belly Up in San Diego, to the mystical Plant Medicine Retreat Centers in Peru's Sacred Valley, culminating in the breathtaking Festivals of Color in Utah, where he performed for 60,000 people. His melodies have also taken him through Europe and India, singing songs of love and devotional uniting voices across the continents. With each note, Prem invites us to join him on a collective journey towards healing and unity, transcending beyond the mere act of listening to a profound experience of coming together as one. Prem Musik isn't merely a musician; he's a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding us back to ourselves and each other, through the power of healing melodies. With his music, we find not just songs but a call to love, heal, and transform together, leaving us profoundly moved and forever changed.

Live Performances

Concert in Rancho Santa Fe

Wedding Show in Kauai

Kirtan in Encinitas


Spiritual Reggae and Acoustic Rock Album

Spiritual Reggae Album

Acoustic Kirtan Chant Album


"Prem’s music is a healing force, offering a soothing embrace to those navigating the rough waters of life, reminding us of the power of music to heal, uplift, and unite." -Mia Harper

"Prem is a musical healer, infusing messages of love, devotion, and unity in his beautiful music. His ability to connect with the listener on a personal level, coupled with his commitment to spreading positivity, makes his music not just heard but felt on a profound level." - Luca Bennet

"Each song by Prem is a step on a path to healing, blending soulful melodies with deeply spiritual lyrics that encourage listeners to heal from within and connect to the divine everywhere." - Ethan Wright

Album Release and Album Launch Party May 10th!


For bookings please contact: [email protected]